- Seven individual trays can be removed from the base tray
- Each tray has four secure compartments
- Compartments labelled – morn, noon, eve and bed – for your daily schedule of medication
- Lightweight and ideal for taking with you when you’re away from home
- Each of the four sections have Braille markings and raised letters
Keeping track of pills and dosage can sometimes be confusing, but we have the solution – the 7-Day MediChest, where you can organise your weekly, four-times-a-day medication in one simple and handy mobility aid.
A single base tray comfortably accommodates the seven (one for every day of the week) four-compartment planners, which can all be removed from the base tray.
Each tray has four easy-to-open compartments labelled – morn, noon, eve and bed – for you to put your daily schedule of pills into. These compact daily planners offer a surprising amount of secure pill storage, and the tabbed compartments open individually and snap securely shut.
This mobility aid is lightweight and ideal for taking with you when you’re away from home. The seven trays are all separate, so if you’re going away for a day, you can take that relevant section with you.
Each section has Braille markings and raised letters on it for those that are visually impaired.
Keep the 7-Day MediChest on your bedside table to see the whole week at a glance.
13 x 20.5 x 2.5 cm (5.2 x 8.1 x 1 inches)
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