- The stethoscope clock attaches to stethoscopes by easy open and close mechanism
- Clear digital clock with time and date
- Silent clock appropriate for a clinical setting
- Seconds counter for pulse and respiration rate recording
- Fits all stethoscopes without sliding
As a medical professional you are required to be bare below the elbow when working in a clinical setting. This often means that doctors or nurses are unable to wear a watch. This can be problematic when you need to document the time you completed a medical task. Or when you need to manually complete a blood pressure or pulse test. Many doctors or nurses currently use fob watches. Those particularly unprofessional use a mobile phone. The Stethoscope clock is here for those that do not want a fob watch or would like to look more professional. It is also there for the junior doctor who loves to walk around with their stethoscope around their neck. Show your stethoscope off even more by checking the time with it!
The specially designed clip holds tight to your stethoscope to prevent it sliding but without infringing on the integrity of the stethoscope. As default the clock displays the time however press the button and it skips to the date, once more and its counting seconds.
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