For decades the most commonly used instrument disinfectants were based on a chemical called glutaraldehyde and most people were content with the antimicrobial performance of such products. However in recent years concerns have arisen over the safety of that chemical for users and certain bacteria in the tuberculosis family have begun to grow in the disinfectant.
Simple Answer
NewGenn Instrument Disinfectant was developed to provide the following features:
- Rapidly kills Mycobacteria including M. tuberculosis, M. terrae, M. avium-intracellulare and M. chelonae
- Rapidly kills vegetative bacteria, fungi and viruses
- An absence of toxic vapours
- Short recommended immersion time of 10 minutes (actually effective in 5 minutes)
- Compatibile with expensive and sensitive flexible endoscopes
- Long open life of 30 days or 30 disinfection cycles
- Supplied ready to use avoiding the need to activate, dissolve or dilute
- CE marked under the European Medical Devices Directive.
How Does It Work?
In the simplest terms: bacteria and most viruses are dissolved from the outside going in, while small viruses are dissolved from the inside going out. Click on How it works in the menu to see a more technical explanation on how this gentle technology kills very dangerous bacteria and viruses.
Two additional ingredients are used in NewGenn Instrument Disinfectant that are not used in the other NewGenn products. A biguanide is used to help the positive charged detergent molecules destroy the thick fatty outside wall of the tuberculosis family of bacteria. The second added molecule is orthophthalaldehyde (OPA), a powdered molecule that provides all the kill traditionally seen with glutaraldehyde but without the hazard associated with toxic vapours.
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